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Division of Motor Vehicles


Can the vehicle listed on my Medical Tint Waiver application be listed in my spouse's/partner's name?

No, the name on the registration and title must match the name on the Medical Tint Waiver.

Do I have to have my physician sign a new Medical Tint Waiver application if I purchase a new or used vehicle?

No, if DMV can verify you have a current Medical Tint Waiver on record, a waiver can be issued for up to four (4) vehicles every time you complete an online application. The new process will help eliminate multiple trips to your physician to have an additional application signed.

I have an application on secure paper I picked up from DMV a while ago, may I still use that to apply for a Medical Tint Waiver?

No, DMV no longer accepts Medical Tint Waiver applications on secure paper through October 31, 2022. All applications must begin online.

What do I do after I complete my Medical Tint Waiver application online?

Once you complete the online application, print out the application packet and take it to your physician to sign. Once signed, use the upload link in the email you received from DMV to submit your completed Medical Tint Waiver and Physician Certification.

What if there is an issue with my driver license? May I still apply for a Medical Tint Waiver?

You must hold a valid Delaware driver license or Delaware identification card or have proof of non-domicile on record with DMV. If the status of your license or ID is currently invalid, you will need to contact DMV’s Driver Improvement team for further assistance at 302-744-2509.

What happens once my Medical Tint Waiver is approved?

Once our associate approves the tint waiver, the associate will initial and stamp the waiver with the State Security Seal. The tint waiver is added to the vehicle’s record and a new registration card indicating “this vehicle has a valid tint waiver” will be mailed with the sealed tint waiver to the address on the registration.

May I tint the windows of my vehicle without a Medical Tint Waiver?

No, per 21 Delaware Code it is required to have a medically approved tint waiver by your physician to legally add tint to your vehicle

  • 4313. Safety glass — Federal safety standards applicable to windshield, front side windows and side wings; window tinting.

(a) No person shall operate any motor vehicle on any public highway, road or street with the front windshield, the side windows to the immediate right and left of the driver and/or side wings forward of and to the left and right of the driver that do not meet the requirements of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 205 in effect at the time of its manufacture.

(b) Nothing in this section shall prohibit the use of any products or materials along the top edge of the windshield so long as such products or materials are transparent and do not encroach upon the AS-1 portion of the windshield as provided by FMVSS 205 and [former] FMVSS 128.

(c) No person shall operate any motor vehicle on any public highway, road or street which does not conspicuously display a certificate by the manufacturer of any “after manufacture” window tinting material which may have been installed that such window tinting material meets the requirements of FMVSS 205 in effect at the time of the vehicle’s manufacture. It shall be a valid defense to any charge under this subsection if the person so charged produces in court a validated mandatory inspection notice showing that the Division of Motor Vehicles has examined the motor vehicle since the date of offense and certifies compliance with FMVSS 205.

(d) No person shall be convicted under this section if that person possesses a statement signed by a licensed practitioner of medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine or optometry verifying that tinted windows are medically necessary for the owner or usual operator of said vehicle.

(e) This section shall not apply to anodized glass which is correctly installed in the windshield and windows of an antique motor vehicle or street rod, as such are defined in §§ 2196 and 2197 of this title or of a motor vehicle validly insured under an antique, classic or street rod designated motor vehicle insurance policy that covers the motor vehicle, pursuant to § 2118 of this title.

(f) This section shall not apply to any police K-9 unit vehicles, or any surveillance vehicles operated by a “police officer,” as defined under § 8401 of Title 11. This exception shall not apply to marked vehicles, except for police K-9 unit vehicles, or those unmarked vehicles used primarily for regular duty patrols.

40 Del. Laws, c. 35, §  4; Code 1935, §  5717; 46 Del. Laws, c. 63; 21 Del. C. 1953, §  4313; 57 Del. Laws, c. 670, §  15B; 64 Del. Laws, c. 33, §  1; 67 Del. Laws, c. 227, §  1; 68 Del. Laws, c. 210, §  1; 70 Del. Laws, c. 357, §  1; 71 Del. Laws, c. 396, §  1; 74 Del. Laws, c. 393, §  1; 79 Del. Laws, c. 230, §  1; 83 Del. Laws, c. 83, § 2

Why was my online Medical Tint Waiver not approved?

The Division of Motor Vehicles will research the eligibility to add a medically approved tint waiver to your vehicle. Some of the reasons for denial are outlined below, but not all-inclusive:

  • Warrant on record
  • Failed inspection for safety
  • Return check
  • Invalid address on record
  • Mismatch information
  • Your previous waiver is not on file or incomplete.
  • Some flags on the registration; suspended by DMV, Report of Sale on file, suspended by our uninsured motorist section
  • Vehicle not registered yet
  • Driver license shows moved out of state

If I do not have access to a printer, may I come to DMV to fill out and print the application before taking it to my physician?

No, you will need access to a printer. DMV will review and approve the application documents once completed and signed by your physician. If you do not have access to a printer you may want to contact your local library for assistance.